We have all been there at one point. Even the professional players started somewhere. Constant review of their gameplay and regular practice. So worry not, there is still a long way to go before you become one of the bests Valorant players. If you are wondering how to get better at Valorant, you have come to the right place. So, without further ado, let’s discuss some of the things you can try to get better at Valorant and come out on top.

Tips You Can Try to Get Better at Valorant

It takes a lot of effort to be the best of the best at Valorant. And for your ease, we have put together the best steps you can take to become better at the game.

Set a Goal

As for every other project you take on, the first thing to do in order to get better at Valorant is to set a goal for yourself. Whether it be something small such as going up one rank or something big such as reaching the Radiant rank. Goals can be anything as long as it is realistic and achievable. One thing that helps everyone set a goal for themselves is to look at where you are right now and where do you want to see yourself in a certain time frame. For example, if you are in the Bronze rank currently, you can set a goal of reaching the Diamond within the next six to eight months. Once you have the goal in your mind, you can move to create the plans and actions you need to achieve your goal.

Create Plans and Actions to Reach the Goal

Oftentimes, our goals can seem a little overwhelming as they seem so far ahead. To avoid such situations, you can create smaller, more easily achievable plans and work on them so that you can reach your goal faster.  Making small plans can help you map a roadway to the end so that you know what steps to take and what method to use. For instance, talking about the goal above, reaching the Diamond rank from Bronze in six months can seem far-fetched. But if you make plans to increase one rank every month for two months, you will reach the Gold rank with four months left on your calendar. And you can plan to get to the next rank in the next two months. Similarly, you will have two whole months to get to the Diamond Rank from Platinum. Now that you have a clearer idea of how to create short-term plans to help reach the goal, you can look at the other things that are helpful to keep in mind.

Put the Time and Effort

Creating plans and setting goals only does not take you anywhere. You will need to put time and effort to achieve your goals. It is best to separate some time every day aside for Valorant.  You can set anything from at least one hour aside exclusively for Valorant; whether you are playing matches or simply practicing your aims and callouts. Playing every day lets you become familiar with the game mechanics, visualization, and improves your playstyle in general.

Focus on Your Weaknesses

Practicing every day is not the only thing that helps you become better at Valorant. You can also keep your focus on the areas you lack. For instance, if you are great at aiming, but are not as good with the abilities, you may want to spend some time trying to figure out the best way to use the Agent’s abilities so that you gain an upper hand in the battle. One of the great ways you can find out your weakness is by playing with your friends who can give you some constructive criticism. Talk to the people in your party and ask them to help you with your weaknesses, or point out the sectors you are not excelling at.

Do a VOD Review

Another way you can find out your weakness is by doing a VOD review. Video On Demand or VOD in gaming means recording your gameplay or the session that you can use to review or assess your gameplay later on. VOD reviews can be an essential factor of improvement, especially in Valorant. If you follow professional Valorant players, you might be aware that all the best players and the coaches have a VOD review session. They sit together, talk about their performance, find out their weakness, and figure out newer tactics. Even if you are not a professional player, VOD reviews can be a quick and easy way to improve your stats and performance in Valorant.

Adjust Game Settings

Making plans and putting time and effort to find out your weaknesses is not the only part of getting better in Valorant. One of the key aspects that everyone has to do is to adjust the game settings to your preference. You can start by changing the mouse sensitivity to your liking. It is best to have your mouse sensitivity to ideal as too high or too low can make it harder for you to aim. Additionally, your physical mouse and mouse pad can also play a significant role to help your aim. So, we recommend getting a good gaming mouse and a low friction mouse pad/mat. These types of equipment will definitely prove beneficial to your gaming. Likewise, you can also change the crosshair placement according to what suits you best. You can change the color, thickness, offset, and length of the crosshair so that it is more visible and accurate for you. Similarly, other settings you can change are the graphics settings to get better FPS, change the enemy outline to a more vibrant color, and the audio settings to ensure you hear the enemy better.

Work With One Agent

Another key aspect that helps you get better at Valorant is perfecting one Agent rather than being fairly good at multiple. You can pick one Agent that you love playing with- even if you are bad at it, and continue practicing its callouts, lineups, abilities, and ultimate. For instance, if you like Sova, you can research the callouts and lineups for Sova in all the maps in Valorant and practice all of them till you know them by heart. Once you perfect it, you can move on to a different category Agent and practice their abilities. This way you can be really good with multiple Agents. But remember to use the previous Agents as well so that you do not forget the important aspects.

Practice Good Communication

Valorant, being a 5v5 FPS game, requires you to be in a team in order to play. So, being able to talk to your teammates and relay information properly plays a huge role in the game results. You can watch the game streams of professional players to see how they communicate and what are factors you can add to your communication process. Likewise, you can also try to remember the callouts of the maps and the simplest way to give out crucial information to your teammates. You can also play with your friends and converse during the match so that you have the habit of talking to people in-game.

Use Apps That Help You Practice Your Aiming

Another greatly helpful method that you can use to get better at Valorant is by using the apps and games designed to help you get better at aiming in Valorant. There are quite a few apps that mimic the game mechanics of Valorant so that you can practice freely without worrying about your ranks. You can find apps that let you practice aiming in Valorant on different platforms such as Steam. One of the most popular aim-practice apps on Steam is Aimlabs. You can try out these apps that put you in various simulations and get better at your aiming, clutch, or even wall-peeking.

Stay Consistent

Lastly, staying true to your goal and putting in continuous time and effort is what gets your skills to become better each day. With serious dedication and consistent practice, you might be able to reach the ranks of the top players of Valorant and even earn a spot in the Radiant ranks. Hopefully, these tips helped you find what you were looking for and can implement them in your path to getting better at Valorant. Lastly, stay consistent and practice hard, and see yourself become a better player than you were before.

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